Find Your Energy Advisor

Other Contacts

Not sure where to start?

Fill out the form below and an Energy Advisor will get back to you.

Contact Information

Preferred Contact Method: If Other, please specify

Property Information

Property Type:
Relationship to Property:

Property Address

Your address will help us determine if you prequalify for certain programs, grants or incentives.

Address 2


Mailing Address

Same as Physical Address

Mailing Address
Mailing City
Mailing Zip

Utility Company Address

Same as Mailing Address

Utility Service Mailing Address
Utility Service Mailing City
Utility Service Mailing Zip

Household Income

For Residential Units:
Household Income: ?

Other Information

How did you hear about us?: If Other, please specify

Tell us what you interested in learning more about?:

Hold down the Ctrl (windows) or Command (Mac) button to select multiple options.

If Other, please specify:

I authorize release of my contact and dwelling information to representatives of NYSERDA and/or its designated representatives, to any community-based organizations, and to my utilities for the purposes of enrollment into other NYSERDA programs as well as programs offered by federal, state, and/or local entities that I may be eligible for.

I Agree